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Themes of critical writing on architecture

This essay examines seven architectural works. Two modern masters, Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto, open and close a thematic sequence that focuses on some of the top Italian architects; a generation born at the beginning of the past century which traversed the ideological boundaries and theoretical impulses of Italian architecture between the wars, recovering and renewing in the second postwar period, right up to the sixties and seventies. Mario Ridolfi, Adalberto Libera, Mario De Renzi and Giuseppe Nicolosi, were all working in Rome; finally there were the younger Roberto Gabetti and Aimaro d’Oreglia Isola from Turin: distant, yet attentive to the themes of the Roman school and providing a potential comparison in critical enquiry for experiences in another time and place. The selection made is clarified and resolved in the intention to transcribe reflections characterised by two-pronged issues: dual, opposite, contrary, for similarities and close meanings, opeining and closing and vice versa. A book, therefore, that aims to shed light and renewed reflection on several architectural works and their creators, and to identify keys to critical reading, as a thread weaves a mesh and ultimately a fabric. A logical structure of ideas within a series of works and authors, stories and times: juxtaposing, slotting in and fusing their apparent differences.


Product ID: 2220

Aldo Caneponeis a Rome-born architect; he graduated from La Sapienza University with honours in 1985 and now works in Rome.
A contract lecturer and doctor of research at the Architecture Faculty of La Sapienza in Rome, over the years he has held various teaching posts such as full-time lecturer for both Architecture and Urban Planning workshops and Garden and Landscape Design, and for courses on elements of architecture, city and territory; he has also undertaken numerous research projects for architecture and urban planning departments. He is active in both the design of new buildings and the restoration, enhancement and use of historical/archaeological assets, including a new pedestrian access to the pronaos of Casamari Abbey, Veroli (FR) 2003-06; a new garden for the former Casino of San Pio V in Via Gregorio VII, 2002-05; the public works for the auditorium and social centre in Rocca Imperiale (CS), 2015-18. Over the years he has experimented with his theoretical and applied research in architectural planning, and his manner of expressing and conveying himself in a setting through specific themes and content; he has received prizes and acclaim (Terni, 1987; Aprilia LT, 1991; Rome, 1992). He has also taken part in conferences and exhibitions, and published projects and the results of his teaching and research activities. His numerous published writings and essays in the field include Canepone A., L’organismo duale nelle dicotomie della forma architettonica, Rome 2008; Verso un progetto di paesaggio urbano, in Bagnasco C. (edited), La città nuova, la qualità urbana tra ideazione e realizzazione, Rome 2011.