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ACER 1944-2015. La costruzione della capitale dal dopoguerra ad oggi

essays by Massimo Locci
edited by Giancarlo Goretti

In the course of this book, the story of ACER intersects with the events of the city, its construction and development. The guiding thread of the book’s structure is an image-based journey whose aim is to map the city’s actual urban planning and architecture, seen from both the perspective of those involved in developing it, the clients commissioning work and funding, from the postwar period to the present day, and from the angle of business and architects. In this sense, synoptic references to events of history, politics, economics and culture become relevant and take on wider significance, as described in the brief memory sections. The topics examined, divided into chapters, are chosen with an analytical logic which starts from post-war reconstruction and finishes in the present day, and is intended to be cross-sectional in terms of relations and historical periods.

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Product ID: 2219

Massimo Locci

Born in Cagliari in 1952, Locci graduated in Architecture in Rome in 1978 will full honours, and since 1979 has been listed in the Order of Architects of Rome and Province.

Since 1983 he has taught as a temporary lecturer at a number of Italian universities, delivering courses on composition, management of innovation and planning processes and setting-up of exhibitions. He has written numerous books and essays in sector journals on urban analysis, architectural history and criticism. He is member of the national Board of Directors of IN/ARCH (the Italian National Institute of Architecture) and the Scientific Committee of the Casa dell’Architettura in Rome. He is part of the editorial team for the Presst/Letter online magazine and the international journal Le Carré Bleu. He was director of the multimedia channel MEDIARCH and assistant director of the magazine AR, both for the Order of Architects of Rome, and has contributed to editing the magazines L’Architettura C/S, L’Architetto Italiano, Compasses and D’Architettura. In his professional career, Locci has worked in urban redevelopment, public infrastructure (offices, schools, parks, universities and exhibition spaces) and private projects (hotels, offices, shopping malls). Many of his designs have been featured in Domus, Casabella, Controspazio and Wettbewerbe. He is the author of numerous essays, including Aldo Loris Rossi – il realismo dell’utopia, 1997; Bernini, regista del Barocco, 1999; Le Istituzioni culturali, in: “Dal Futurismo al futuro possibile nell’architettura italiana contemporanea”, 2002; Nuovi musei, Gli spazi e le arti IV volume del XXI secolo, 2009; Speranza di Futuro, 2012; Shape!, Storia del Curtain-wall, 2014.